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Homeowners' Association

Crawford Falls Homeowners’ Association Inc. Board of Directors 2024

President - Kim McKinney

Email: | Cell: (864) 350-1727

Mailing: P.O Box 1477 Travelers Rest, SC 29690

Vice President - Kelley Spearman

Email: | Cell: (864) 884-3488

732 Thomas Mill Road Easley, SC 29640

Secretary - Kensley Baumann

Email: | Cell: (864) 350-3066 

412 Palladro Drive Greenville, SC 29617

Treasurer - Dalton Freeman

Email: | Cell: (803) 606-7965

138 Graylin Dr. Anderson, SC 29621

Member at Large - Frank Morelli

Email: | Cell: 864-252-5088​, Home: 864-688-2933

107 Fernbank Ct. Simpsonville, SC 39581

Regime Amounts

For 2023, condos are $415 per month. Townhouses are $425 per month.

Means of payment: By check to Crawford Falls HOA


PO Box 111

Clemson, SC 29633 by draft from your bank account. You would need to contact your bank to get it set up for them to mail a check to Crawford Falls each month. Prepayments are accepted.

Reference Documents

Death Valley Towing (864) 654-4544


Address: 926 Shiloh Rd. Seneca, SC 29678​​


*Each condo  has 1 parking space per bedroom. Vehicle info. is required for all vehicles.

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